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am 20. + 21. mai 06 findet der einsiedlermarsch statt. neue route: uster - einsiedeln. mehr unter

marco schmid v/o quirli 

21.01.2006   15:55:58

In the weekend 21/22/23 July 2006 there will be the Genboree (the Genoa Jamboree), scout event that will celebrate the Olympic Scouting Games.
A fantastic opportunity to organize your summer activities!

The voluntary association “Il C.A.S.T. (Cultura, Arte, Storia e Tradizioni popolari) di San Desiderio” has invented this event, after the beautiful past experiences in partnership with the local scout group. Today C.A.S.T. continues in its aim and offers similar scout events, even if alone!

There’s no limit of age, kind of association or number of participants. The Olympic Games will have two individual-specialities: Orienteering (running and orienteering), Skyrunning (running on the mountain); four team-specialities: Scoutball, Junglecleaning (cutting and cleaning areas in the forest), Pathfinding (opening and restyling ancient paths) and Pioneering (scout constructions).
Everyone and every group will be able to choose in which specialities to participate.

The price of the registration will be very low, just to cover the costs. You have to organize your trip, food and sleep (tent and sleeping bag). Sleeping on the field in San Desiderio is for free during the three days of the event. If you like staying more days, before or after the event, it is not a problem, but you need the organization’s agreement, in order to check the availability.
If you stay longer you will have anyway the organization’s availability in logistics and services: tickets low cost for the Aquarium, trekking and turistic tours, help in buying food and stuff.

In the next weeks we will cerate a website where you will find news about the Olympic Games, the registration, the program and about the place. At the moment you can contact us at the email address

Responsabile Comunicazione
Associazione "Il C.A.S.T. di San Desiderio"
via Casabona 11
16133 Genova (GE)  

Olympic Scouting Games 

09.01.2006   12:37:48

das leben besteht nicht aus den momenten, die du atmest. es besteht aus den momenten, die dir den atem rauben....

in diesem sinne wünsche ich frohe weihnachten und ein erfolgreiches neues jahr  

JoJo (BY) 

24.12.2005   20:14:35

Hoi zäme

I wünsche öich aune e ganz e schöni Wiehnacht u e guete Rutsch! Häbits schön, blybet suuber, nämits gmüetlech u fröiet nech uf es nächschts TRC-Jahr ;-)

E liebe Gruess


23.12.2005   10:43:44

servus miteinand, wünsch euch viel spaß morgen beim plätzchen backen! schickt mir doch welche zu... :-)

JoJo (BY)  


10.12.2005   17:52:23

Ein freundliches Hallo allen zusammen!

Freut mich zu lesen, dass einige Leute auch im gesetzten Alter noch immer engagiert sind...

Die drei Basler Iglubauer Ali, Kakadu (ja, der mit dem Roverbelt!) und ich würden uns über regen Besuch im Yeti Village 2005 freuen! Wer also zwischen Weihnacht und Neujahr Lust auf Iglus hat, soll sich doch mal bei etwas umschauen.

Bis dann,



08.12.2005   20:58:25

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